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E250: Sound: Tile Moving
Used by the routine at F43E.
Sound_TileMoving E250 LD A,$05 A=05.
E252 LD C,$AF Set the frequency control (C) to AF.
Sound_TileMoving_Loop E254 LD B,C Set duration for this cycle to current frequency value.
E255 SLA B Double the duration.
Sound_TileMoving_PulseLoop E257 DJNZ Sound_TileMoving_PulseLoop Generate a single tone pulse.
E259 XOR %00010000 Flip bit 4.
E25B OUT ($FE),A Send to the speaker.
E25D DEC C Decrease frequency (raises pitch, shortens next cycle).
E25E JR NZ,Sound_TileMoving_Loop Jump to Sound_TileMoving_Loop until the frequency is zero.
E260 RET Return.
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