Prev: 54377 Up: Map Next: 54513
54486: Game Over
Used by the routine at StartGame.
GameOver 54486 LD HL,55353 HL=55353.
54489 SET 7,(HL) Set bit 7 of *HL.
54491 LD B,75 B=75.
Halt_Loop 54493 HALT Halt operation (suspend CPU until the next interrupt).
54494 DJNZ Halt_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to Halt_Loop until counter is zero.
54496 DI Disable interrupts.
54497 CALL Controller_GameOver Call Controller_GameOver.
Long pause...
54500 LD BC,0 BC=0000.
GameOver_Pause_Loop 54503 DEC BC Decrease BC by one.
54504 LD A,B Jump to GameOver_Pause_Loop until BC is zero.
54505 OR C
54506 JR NZ,GameOver_Pause_Loop
54508 POP IY Restore IY from the stack.
54510 JP Game_Loop Jump to Game_Loop.
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