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55742: Routine at D9BE
Used by the routines at 55819 and 62526.
55742 LD A,(58055) A=*Item_ID.
55745 LD BC,(59229) BC=*59229.
55749 LD HL,55352 HL=Bomb.
55752 CP 21 Jump to 55769 if A is not equal to 21.
55754 JR NZ,55769
55756 LD (55829),BC Write BC to *55829.
55760 BIT 1,(HL) Jump to 55769 if bit 1 of *HL is set.
55762 JR NZ,55769
55764 LD A,1 Write 1 to *55355.
55766 LD (55355),A
55769 CP 61 Jump to 55786 if A is not equal to 61.
55771 JR NZ,55786
55773 LD (55831),BC Write BC to *55831.
55777 BIT 2,(HL) Jump to 55786 if bit 2 of *HL is set.
55779 JR NZ,55786
55781 LD A,1 Write 1 to *55356.
55783 LD (55356),A
55786 CP 62 Jump to 55803 if A is not equal to 62.
55788 JR NZ,55803
55790 LD (55833),BC Write BC to *55833.
55794 BIT 3,(HL) Jump to 55803 if bit 3 of *HL is set.
55796 JR NZ,55803
55798 LD A,1 Write 1 to *55357.
55800 LD (55357),A
55803 CP 63 Return if A is not equal to 63.
55805 RET NZ
55806 LD (55835),BC Write BC to *55835.
55810 BIT 4,(HL) Return if bit 4 of *HL is set.
55812 RET NZ
55813 LD A,1 Write 1 to *55358.
55815 LD (55358),A
55818 RET Return.
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