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56658: Routine at DD52
Used by the routines at 56190, 56293, 56395 and MoveTile_Up.
56658 LD HL,59233 HL=59233.
56661 LD A,20 A=20.
56663 SUB (HL) A-=*HL.
56664 LD C,B C=B.
56665 SLA C Shift C left two positions (with carry).
56667 SLA C
56669 ADD A,C A+=C.
56670 LD C,A C=A.
56671 LD A,5 A=5.
56673 LD B,C B=C.
56674 SLA B Shift B left (with carry).
56676 DJNZ 56676 Decrease counter by one and loop back to 56676 until counter is zero.
56678 XOR %00010000 Flip bits 4.
56680 OUT (254),A Set border to the colour held by A.
56682 DEC C Decrease C by one.
56683 JP NZ,56673 Jump to 56673 if C is not zero.
56686 RET Return.
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