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61519: Routine at F04F
Used by the routine at 61397.
61519 LD A,(60217) Jump to SetDefault if *60217 is equal to 0.
61522 CP 0
61524 JR Z,SetDefault
61526 XOR A A=0.
61527 JR 61531 Jump to 61531.
SetDefault 61529 LD A,5 A=5.
61531 LD (61507),A Write A to *61507.
61534 LD (61511),A Write A to *61511.
61537 LD B,2 B=2.
61539 LD DE,(61509) DE=*61509.
61543 DEC DE Decrease DE by one.
61544 LD A,D Jump to 61543 if DE is not zero.
61545 OR E
61546 JP NZ,61543
61549 LD A,(61507) A=*61507.
61552 XOR %00010000 Flip the speaker bit.
61554 LD (61507),A Write A to *61507.
61557 OUT (254),A Set border to the colour held by A.
61559 DJNZ 61539 Decrease counter by one and loop back to 61539 until counter is zero.
61561 LD B,2 B=2.
61563 LD DE,(61513) DE=*61513.
61567 DEC DE Decrease DE by one.
61568 LD A,D Jump to 61567 if DE is not zero.
61569 OR E
61570 JP NZ,61567
61573 LD A,(61511) A=*61511.
61576 XOR %00010000 Flip the speaker bit.
61578 LD (61511),A Write A to *61511.
61581 OUT (254),A Set border to the colour held by A.
61583 DJNZ 61563 Decrease counter by one and loop back to 61563 until counter is zero.
61585 RET Return.
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