Prev: 62351 Up: Map Next: 62526
62366: Routine at F39E
Used by the routines at 54098 and Handler_HomeArrow.
62366 LD HL,55354 Jump to 62380 if bit 4 of *Time is not set.
62369 BIT 4,(HL)
62371 JR Z,62380
62373 RES 4,(HL) Reset bit 4 of *HL.
62375 POP IY Restore IY from the stack.
62377 JP 54302 Jump to 54302.
62380 LD A,(55352) Jump to 62504 if *Bomb is equal to 0.
62383 CP 0
62385 JR Z,62504
62387 BIT 1,A Jump to 62411 if bit 1 of A is not set.
62389 JR Z,62411
62391 RES 1,A Reset bit 1 of A.
62393 LD (55352),A Write A to *Bomb.
62396 LD A,21 A=21.
62398 CALL 62351 Call 62351.
62401 LD BC,(55829) Write *55829 to *59229.
62405 LD (59229),BC
62409 JR 62481 Jump to 62481.
62411 BIT 2,A Jump to 62435 if bit 2 of A is not set.
62413 JR Z,62435
62415 RES 2,A Reset bit 2 of A.
62417 LD (55352),A Write A to *Bomb.
62420 LD A,61 A=61.
62422 CALL 62351 Call 62351.
62425 LD BC,(55831) BC=*55831.
62429 LD (59229),BC Write BC to *59229.
62433 JR 62481 Jump to 62481.
62435 BIT 3,A Jump to 62459 if bit 3 of A is not set.
62437 JR Z,62459
62439 RES 3,A Reset bit 3 of A.
62441 LD (55352),A Write A to *Bomb.
62444 LD A,62 A=62.
62446 CALL 62351 Call 62351.
62449 LD BC,(55833) Write *55833 to *59229.
62453 LD (59229),BC
62457 JR 62481 Jump to 62481.
62459 BIT 4,A Jump to 62504 if bit 4 of A is not set.
62461 JR Z,62504
62463 RES 4,A Reset bit 4 of A.
62465 LD (55352),A Write A to *Bomb.
62468 LD A,63 A=63.
62470 CALL 62351 Call 62351.
62473 LD BC,(55835) Write *55835 to *59229.
62477 LD (59229),BC
62481 XOR A Write 0 to *55347.
62482 LD (55347),A
62485 CALL 55999 Call 55999.
62488 LD A,1 Write 1 to *55347.
62490 LD (55347),A
62493 CALL 59866 Call 59866.
62496 CALL 59253 Call 59253.
62499 POP IY Restore IY from the stack.
62501 JP 54302 Jump to 54302.
62504 CALL Handler_PlayerInput Call Handler_PlayerInput.
62507 CP 0 Jump to 58262 if A is not equal to 0.
62509 JP NZ,58262
This entry point is used by the routine at 62526.
62512 LD A,(55349) Jump to Handler_HomeArrow if *PlayerCursor_Flag is equal to 0.
62515 CP 0
62517 JP Z,Handler_HomeArrow
62520 CALL 58194 Call 58194.
62523 JP 62366 Jump to 62366.
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