Bombs Don't Explode
POKE 62385,24
Alters the relative jump statement:
62380 LD A,(55352) Jump to 62504 if *Bomb is equal to 0.
62383 CP 0
62385 JR Z,62504
To not be conditional:
62385 JR 62504
Infinite Lives
POKE 54397,99
POKE 54398,2
This alters the line which references Lives:
54396 LD HL,55335 Decrease *Lives by one.
54399 DEC (HL)
54400 JP Z,54486 Jump to 54486 if the player is out of lives.
To instead reference an unalterable address in ROM:
LD HL,611
Infinite Lives (alternative)
POKE 54399,182
This alters the line which would otherwise decrease Lives:
54396 LD HL,55335 Decrease *Lives by one.
54399 DEC (HL)
54400 JP Z,54486 Jump to 54486 if the player is out of lives.
To instead run an OR on HL:
54399 OR (HL)
Infinite Time
POKE 62371,24
Alters the relative jump statement:
62366 LD HL,55354 Jump to 62380 if bit 4 of *Time is not set.
62369 BIT 4,(HL)
62371 JR Z,62380
To not be conditional:
62371 JR 62380