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A752: Prepare Attribute Buffer
Used by the routine at Handler_NewsFlash.
Todo ...
PrepareAttributeBuffer A752 LD HL,$5900 HL=5900.
A755 LD DE,$5901 DE=5901.
A758 LD BC,$00FF BC=00FF.
A75B LD (HL),$07 Write 07 to *HL.
A75D LDIR Copy HL to DE 00FF more times.
A75F LD A,$00 Set the border to black.
A761 OUT ($FE),A
A763 LD A,$00 A=00.
PrepareAttributeBuffer_0 A765 LD HL,$5800 HL=5800.
A768 LD DE,$5801 DE=5801.
A76B LD BC,$003F BC=003F.
A76E LD (HL),A Write A to *HL.
A76F LDIR Copy HL to DE 003F more times.
A771 LD HL,$5AC0 HL=5AC0.
A774 LD DE,$5AC1 DE=5C01.
A777 LD BC,$003F BC=003F.
A77A LD (HL),A Write A to *HL.
A77B LDIR Copy HL to DE 00FF more times.
A77D RET Return.
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