Page Byte Address Description
64 0 4000
Loading Screen
92 240 5CF0
Data block at 5CF0
112 128 7080
Data block at 7080
112 191 70BF
Data block at 70BF
120 64 7840
Data block at 7840
120 95 785F
Data block at 785F
120 160 78A0
Data block at 78A0
149 176 95B0
Data block at 95B0
162 0 A200
Data block at A200
165 144 A590
Game Entry Point
166 29 A61D
Handler: Time Out
166 46 A62E
Handler: Fired
166 117 A675
Game Selection Menu
166 199 A6C7
Handler: Debounce Space
166 213 A6D5
Get Players Name
167 64 A740
Blank The Middle Of The Attribute Buffer
167 82 A752
Prepare Attribute Buffer
167 126 A77E
Blank The Middle Of The Screen
167 140 A78C
Controller: Name Selection
167 225 A7E1
Handler: Press "Fire" To Continue
167 235 A7EB
Handler: Debounce Controls
167 245 A7F5
Press Any Key
168 12 A80C
Handler: Player Name Selection
168 58 A83A
Routine at A83A
168 89 A859
Controller: Yes/ No
168 132 A884
Handler: Print Yes/ No
168 149 A895
168 155 A89B
Handler: Street Introduction
168 212 A8D4
Handler: News Flash
169 68 A944
Initialise Street
169 122 A97A
Initialise New Game
169 159 A99F
Finished Street
169 212 A9D4
Switch Players
169 239 A9EF
Print The "You're Fired" Screen
170 51 AA33
You're Fired
170 105 AA69
Print High Score Table
170 169 AAA9
New High Score
171 18 AB12
Messaging: Game Over
171 126 AB7E
Pointer To Active Player
171 138 AB8A
Game Flags
171 139 AB8B
Messaging: Selection Screen
172 12 AC0C
Messaging: Situation Vacant
172 143 AC8F
Messaging: Enter Applicants Name (1UP)
172 250 ACFA
Messaging: Street Introduction
173 32 AD20
Messaging: News Flash
173 152 AD98
Messaging: Finished Street
174 7 AE07
Messaging: Trashman Of The Year Nominations
174 51 AE33
Messaging: Fired
174 137 AE89
Messaging: YOU'RE FIRED!
174 151 AE97
Messaging: Trashman Of The Year
174 236 AEEC
Messaging: Go! Take Your Pts With You
175 14 AF0E
Messaging: Academy Of Trashmen Diploma
175 42 AF2A
Messaging: This Is To Certify
176 8 B008
Data block at B008
176 9 B009
Messaging: Once
176 19 B013
Messaging: Twice
176 30 B01E
Messaging: Number Of Bins To Collect
176 67 B043
High Score Table
176 115 B073
Table: Levels
176 129 B081
Print String
176 161 B0A1
Start Game
176 234 B0EA
Create Play Window
177 35 B123
Paint Background Yellow
177 43 B12B
Routine at B12B
177 71 B147
Routine at B147
177 178 B1B2
Routine at B1B2
177 195 B1C3
Routine at B1C3
177 215 B1D7
Routine at B1D7
178 8 B208
Routine at B208
178 147 B293
Playarea Copier
178 164 B2A4
Routine at B2A4
178 192 B2C0
Routine at B2C0
178 238 B2EE
Routine at B2EE
179 34 B322
Routine at B322
179 116 B374
Routine at B374
179 190 B3BE
Routine at B3BE
179 240 B3F0
Routine at B3F0
180 22 B416
Routine at B416
180 74 B44A
Routine at B44A
180 105 B469
Routine at B469
180 184 B4B8
Routine at B4B8
181 145 B591
Routine at B591
182 76 B64C
Routine at B64C
182 187 B6BB
Handler: Controls
182 191 B6BF
Handler: Controls Keyboard
182 229 B6E5
Handler: Controls Kempston Joystick
183 3 B703
Handler: Controls Interface 2 Joystick
183 36 B724
Routine at B724
186 221 BADD
Routine at BADD
187 54 BB36
Routine at BB36
187 115 BB73
Routine at BB73
188 150 BC96
Handler: Bonus Messaging
188 183 BCB7
Routine at BCB7
189 13 BD0D
Routine at BD0D
189 72 BD48
Routine at BD48
189 137 BD89
Routine at BD89
190 89 BE59
Handler: Bitten By Dog
190 117 BE75
Routine at BE75
191 80 BF50
Routine at BF50
191 142 BF8E
Handler: Hit By Bike
191 159 BF9F
Routine at BF9F
191 236 BFEC
Routine at BFEC
192 35 C023
Routine at C023
193 62 C13E
Routine at C13E
193 76 C14C
Routine at C14C
193 239 C1EF
Messaging: Bonus
193 245 C1F5
Messaging: Score
193 251 C1FB
Messaging: You have not collected all the bins
194 33 C221
Messaging: Ouch! Scat, before I bite YOUR leg orf
194 74 C24A
Messaging: Ouch! Ge'orf the pavement youbrat
194 112 C270
Number Of Bins String
194 114 C272
Time Remaining
194 116 C274
Game status buffer entry at C274
194 118 C276
Game status buffer entry at C276
194 119 C277
Game status buffer entry at C277
194 121 C279
Game status buffer entry at C279
194 122 C27A
Game status buffer entry at C27A
194 123 C27B
Game status buffer entry at C27B
194 125 C27D
Game status buffer entry at C27D
194 127 C27F
Game status buffer entry at C27F
194 128 C280
Messaging: Road Name
194 142 C28E
Game status buffer entry at C28E
194 144 C290
Game status buffer entry at C290
194 145 C291
Game status buffer entry at C291
194 146 C292
Game status buffer entry at C292
194 147 C293
Game status buffer entry at C293
194 199 C2C7
Game status buffer entry at C2C7
194 204 C2CC
Game status buffer entry at C2CC
194 212 C2D4
Game status buffer entry at C2D4
194 238 C2EE
Game status buffer entry at C2EE
195 93 C35D
Game status buffer entry at C35D
195 110 C36E
Game status buffer entry at C36E
195 117 C375
Game status buffer entry at C375
195 134 C386
Game status buffer entry at C386
195 135 C387
Game status buffer entry at C387
195 136 C388
Game status buffer entry at C388
195 137 C389
Game status buffer entry at C389
195 138 C38A
Bonus Messaging
195 140 C38C
Game status buffer entry at C38C
195 141 C38D
Game status buffer entry at C38D
202 179 CAB3
Print Numbers
203 10 CB0A
Print Bonus/ Score
203 34 CB22
Add Points To Score
203 64 CB40
Handler: Time
203 101 CB65
Routine at CB65
203 150 CB96
Active Players Score
203 153 CB99
Inactive Players Score
203 156 CB9C
Routine at CB9C
204 62 CC3E
Table: In-Game Messaging
205 62 CD3E
Messaging: One for the road?
205 86 CD56
Messaging: You're supposed to empty the bin
205 134 CD86
Messaging: Come in for a quick pint
205 166 CDA6
Messaging: Well, milk's better for you
205 195 CDC3
Messaging: Fancy a swift 'arf?
205 221 CDDD
Messaging: Last time I saw Trashman
206 23 CE17
Messaging: Hic! *%&#'@ Hic!
206 40 CE28
Messaging: Would you like a Quick Byte?
206 78 CE4E
Messaging: Good grief!
206 103 CE67
Messaging: Come here, I've got something for you
206 150 CE96
Messaging: I didn't mean you to eat it
206 179 CEB3
Messaging: Trashman. Try today's special
206 235 CEEB
Messaging: But some like fried egg floating in a sea of grease
207 31 CF1F
Messaging: Wolfing that lot down like that will slow you down
207 89 CF59
Messaging: Help! My pet llama's running amok upstairs
207 141 CF8D
Messaging: That was an awesome experience
207 173 CFAD
Messaging: Want a tip?
207 190 CFBE
Messaging: Keep off the grass
207 249 CFF9
Messaging: Want a quick game of Scrabble?
208 31 D01F
Messaging: O.K. I give in. TRASHMAN is a proper name
208 76 D04C
Messaging: Could you look at my T.V.?
208 108 D06C
Messaging: I meant mend it, not watch it
208 139 D08B
Messaging: Take this thing away. My son is obsessed with it
208 194 D0C2
Messaging: No one will ever believe I've picked up a Spectrum
208 248 D0F8
Messaging: D'you want a quick game of Space Invaders?
209 39 D127
Messaging: Get out! Zapping the cat is not part of the game
209 89 D159
Messaging: Can you help with an anagram? It's I, ENIGMA
209 143 D18F
Messaging: I'm no good at anagrams. I can't even imagine the answer
209 200 D1C8
Messaging: Could you have a look at my COMMODORE 64?
209 251 D1FB
Messaging: Sorry, but I think the elephant got there first
210 44 D22C
Messaging: Do you want a copy of 3D Monster Maze?
210 87 D257
Messaging: What on earth did you expect? An original!
210 132 D284
Messaging: Come and see our new puppy
210 169 D2A9
Messaging: We had our old dog put down when the last Trashman bit him
210 228 D2E4
Messaging: Do you think I'm a megalomaniac?
211 9 D309
Messaging: Just give me a ZX81, and I'll control the world
211 60 D33C
Messaging: Do you want to play some games on my Spectrum?
211 113 D371
Messaging: That game was Virgin on the impossible !!!!
211 161 D3A1
Messaging: Have you seen that delinquent son of mine?
211 211 D3D3
Messaging: Yes,you're right. You could call him a Maniac Minor
212 7 D407
Messaging: Come and look at my Spectrum with 4 megabyte memory
212 68 D444
Messaging: Only trouble is, I've forgotten what I wanted it for
212 122 D47A
Messaging: Help!! The curtains are on fire!
212 159 D49F
Messaging: A tongue of flame came out of my Dragon
212 199 D4C7
Messaging: Oh dear, what shall I do? My husband's been taken away
213 6 D506
Messaging: He was a Schizoid
213 25 D519
Messaging: Do you want a tip?
213 49 D531
Messaging: That's got Trashman worried. I'm his tax inspector
213 100 D564
Messaging: Give us a hand mate
213 126 D57E
Messaging: That was NOT funny. Applauding while everything collapsed
213 186 D5BA
Messaging: Please help find my little doggy woggy
213 230 D5E6
Messaging: You've been a great help. At least I know where he's been
214 36 D624
Messaging: Are you the chimney sweep?
214 68 D644
Messaging: Sorry, but you must admit you do have the same complexion
214 126 D67E
Messaging: Hallo Trashman. Your move this week, I think?
214 178 D6B2
Messaging: You know, it might be quicker playing chess with a computer
214 241 D6F1
Messaging: Come and see the computer my Auntie gave me
215 38 D726
Messaging: Oh good! I thought I might need a licence for it
215 88 D758
Messaging: Hey, Bilbo, help me solve this adventure
215 137 D789
Messaging: You're no help. HOPPIT!
215 161 D7A1
Messaging: Help me! Sophie's drowning. Can you revive her?
215 214 D7D6
Messaging: If you hadn't laughed, the gold-fish might still be alive
216 17 D811
Data block at D811
216 19 D813
Data: Level 1
217 168 D9A8
Data: Level 2
219 85 DB55
Data: Level 3
221 2 DD02
Data: Level 4
222 175 DEAF
Data: Level 5
224 117 E075
Data: Level 6
226 58 E23A
Data: Level 7
228 23 E417
Font UDGs
254 128 FE80
Data block at FE80
255 232 FFE8
Data block at FFE8