Address Length Description
AB7E 12
Pointer To Active Player
AB8A 1
Game Flags
0 1 2 3
On High Score table To-do To-do To-do
4 5 6 7
Active player 1UP or 2UP 1UP In-Play 2UP In-Play
B043 48
High Score Table
C270 2
Number Of Bins String
Points to the string which contains the number of bins to collect for the current street.
C272 2
Time Remaining
Time Remaining equates to how much bonus the player receives when the level is completed. Stored as e.g.
Location Value
C272 50
C273 02
For "250" seconds/ bonus points remaining.
C274 2
Game status buffer entry at C274
C276 1
Game status buffer entry at C276
C277 2
Game status buffer entry at C277
C279 1
Game status buffer entry at C279
C27A 1
Game status buffer entry at C27A
C27B 2
Game status buffer entry at C27B
C27D 2
Game status buffer entry at C27D
C27F 1
Game status buffer entry at C27F
C28E 2
Game status buffer entry at C28E
C290 1
Game status buffer entry at C290
C291 1
Game status buffer entry at C291
C292 1
Game status buffer entry at C292
C293 52
Game status buffer entry at C293
C2C7 5
Game status buffer entry at C2C7
C2CC 8
Game status buffer entry at C2CC
C2D4 26
Game status buffer entry at C2D4
C2EE 111
Game status buffer entry at C2EE
C35D 17
Game status buffer entry at C35D
C36E 7
Game status buffer entry at C36E
C375 17
Game status buffer entry at C375
C386 1
Game status buffer entry at C386
C387 1
Game status buffer entry at C387
C388 1
Game status buffer entry at C388
C389 1
Game status buffer entry at C389
C38A 2
Bonus Messaging
C38C 1
Game status buffer entry at C38C
C38D 1830
Game status buffer entry at C38D
CB96 3
Active Players Score
The current players score for display. Stored as e.g.
Location Value
CB96 33
CB97 22
CB98 11
For a score of "112233" points.
CB99 3
Inactive Players Score
See ActivePlayer_Score for explanation.