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43163: Handler: Street Introduction
Used by the routine at GameEntryPoint.
Handler_StreetIntroduction 43163 CALL BlankMiddleScreenBuffer Call BlankMiddleScreenBuffer.
Print "Trashman ".
43166 LD HL,44282 HL=Messaging_Trashman.
43169 LD DE,18496 DE=18496 (screen buffer location).
43172 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
Who is in play, is it 1UP or 2UP?
43175 LD HL,43914 HL=Game_Flags.
43178 BIT 4,(HL) Test bit 4 of *HL.
Default to using the 1UP name.
43180 LD HL,44198 HL=Name_1UP.
43183 JR Z,StreetIntro_PrintName Jump to StreetIntro_PrintName if this is player one.
Else, use the name for 2UP.
43185 LD HL,44231 HL=Name_2UP.
StreetIntro_PrintName 43188 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
43191 DEC DE Decrease DE by one.
Print " go and collect".
43192 LD HL,44292 HL=Messaging_GoCollect.
43195 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
Prints the number of bins to collect.
43198 LD HL,(49776) HL=*String_NumberOfBins.
43201 LD DE,18560 DE=18560 (screen buffer location).
43204 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
Print " bins from ".
43207 LD HL,44308 HL=Messaging_BinsFrom.
43210 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
Print the current street name.
43213 LD HL,49792 HL=Messaging_RoadName.
43216 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
43219 RET Return.
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