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43503: Print The "You're Fired" Screen
Used by the routine at Handler_TimeOut.
Print_YoureFired 43503 CALL BlankMiddleScreenBuffer Call BlankMiddleScreenBuffer.
43506 CALL BlankMiddleAttributeBuffer Call BlankMiddleAttributeBuffer.
Print "Trashman ".
43509 LD HL,44282 HL=Messaging_Trashman.
43512 LD DE,18496 DE=18496 (screen buffer location).
43515 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
Who is in play, is it 1UP or 2UP?
43518 LD HL,43914 Test bit 4 of Game_Flags.
43521 BIT 4,(HL)
Default to using the 1UP name.
43523 LD HL,44198 HL=Name_1UP.
43526 JR Z,Print_YoureFired_Write Jump to Print_YoureFired_Write if this is player one.
Else, use the name for 2UP.
43528 LD HL,44231 HL=Name_2UP.
Print_YoureFired_Write 43531 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
Overwrite the ")" from the players name string.
43534 DEC DE Decrease DE by one.
Print ", you're slow." messaging.
43535 LD HL,44595 HL=Messaging_Fired_1.
43538 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
Print the road name.
43541 LD HL,49792 HL=Messaging_RoadName.
43544 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
43547 LD HL,(43902) HL=*ActivePlayer.
This assumes the default number of lives is being used, and displays a string for the number of times Trashman has been fired.
As this only tests bit 0, any poke like Infinite Lives will make this behave oddly.
43550 BIT 0,(HL) Test bit 0 of *HL.
43552 LD HL,45065 HL=Messaging_Once.
43555 JR NZ,Print_YoureFired_WriteTimes Jump to Print_YoureFired_WriteTimes if this isn't the last life.
43557 LD HL,45075 HL=Messaging_Twice.
Print_YoureFired_WriteTimes 43560 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
Print " more and you're fired.".
43563 LD HL,44657 HL=Messaging_Fired_2.
43566 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
43569 RET Return.
43570 RET Return.
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