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45806: Routine at B2EE
Used by the routine at 46064.
45806 LD L,(IX+5) L=*IX+5.
45809 LD H,(IX+6) H=*IX+6.
45812 LD C,(IX+4) C=*IX+4.
45815 LD B,(IX+3) B=*IX+3.
45818 PUSH HL IX=HL (using the stack).
45819 POP IX
45821 SET 5,H Set bit 5 of H.
45823 LD DE,32 DE=0032.
45826 PUSH HL Stash HL, IX and BC on the stack.
45827 PUSH IX
45829 PUSH BC
45830 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
45831 BIT 6,A Jump to 45842 if bit 6 of A is set.
45833 JR NZ,45842
45835 AND %00111111 Keep only bits 0-5.
45837 OR %01000000 Set bit 6.
45839 LD (IX+0),A Write A to *IX+0.
45842 ADD HL,DE HL+=DE.
45843 ADD IX,DE IX+=DE.
45845 DJNZ 45830 Decrease counter by one and loop back to 45830 until counter is zero.
45847 POP BC Restore BC, IX and HL from the stack.
45848 POP IX
45850 POP HL
45851 INC IX Increment IX by one.
45853 INC HL Increment HL by one.
45854 DEC C Decrease C by one.
45855 JR NZ,45823 Jump to 45823.
45857 RET Return.
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