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46668: Routine at B64C
Used by the routines at 46264 and 46481.
46668 PUSH IX Stash IX on the stack.
46670 LD IX,(49783) IX=*49783.
46674 RES 1,(IX+33) Reset bit 1 of *IX+33.
46678 RES 1,(IX+45) Reset bit 1 of *IX+45.
46682 SET 3,(IX+33) Set bit 3 of *IX+33.
46686 SET 3,(IX+45) Set bit 3 of *IX+45.
46690 ADD IX,DE IX+=DE.
46692 LD (49783),IX Write IX to *49783.
46696 BIT 5,(IX+33) Test bit 5 of *IX+33.
46700 LD L,40 L=40.
46702 JR NZ,46711 Jump to 46711 if bit 5 is set.
46704 LD DE,12 DE=0012.
46707 ADD IX,DE IX+=DE.
46709 LD L,216 L=216.
46711 LD A,(IX+32) A=*IX+32.
46714 LD C,A C=A.
46715 RRCA RRCA.
46716 RR L Rotate L right.
46718 RRCA RRCA.
46719 RR L Rotate L right.
46721 RRCA RRCA.
46722 RR L Rotate L right.
46724 OR %01100000 Set bits 5-6.
46726 LD IX,50006 IX=50006.
46730 LD (IX+16),L Write L to *IX+16.
46733 LD (IX+17),A Write A to *IX+17.
46736 LD (IX+19),0 Write 19 to *IX+19.
46740 LD A,31 A=31.
46742 AND C Merge the bits from C.
46743 NEG NEG.
46745 ADD A,21 A+=21.
46747 LD (IX+7),A Write A to *IX+7.
46750 LD (47384),A Write A to *47384.
46753 LD C,34 C=34.
46755 LD A,5 A=5.
46757 BIT 4,L Jump to 46765 if bit 4 of L is not set.
46759 JR Z,46765
46761 LD C,2 C=2.
46763 LD A,26 A=26.
46765 LD (IX+23),C Write C to *IX+23.
46768 LD (47383),A Write A to *47383.
46771 POP IX Restore IX from the stack.
46773 LD HL,50057 HL=50057.
46776 RES 0,(HL) Reset bit 0 of *HL.
46778 RET Return.
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