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96FE: Spend Money
Used by the routines at Handler_LocationChoice, Handler_SubGame and 9634.
B Number of digits
DE Pointer to players cash
HL Pointer to cost to deduct
SpendMoney 96FE AND A Set flags ready for the subtraction.
SpendMoney_Loop 96FF LD A,(DE) Load the player cash digit from *DE into A.
9700 SBC A,(HL) Subtract the cost from the digit in *HL (with the carry flag).
9701 DAA Digital to analogue conversion.
9702 LD (DE),A Write the result in A back to the players cash.
9703 INC HL Increment both the players cash and cost to deduct pointers.
9704 INC DE
9705 DJNZ SpendMoney_Loop Decrease number of digits counter by one and loop back to SpendMoney_Loop until all digits have been processed.
9707 RET Return.
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