Prev: 41255 Up: Map Next: 41349
41275: Draw Inventory
Used by the routines at EnterRoom, HandlerCaveDoorLocked and HandlerBlank.
DrawInventory 41275 LD DE,11464
41278 LD HL,24112
41281 LD B,3
DrawInventory_0 41283 CALL DrawInventoryItem
41286 LD A,E
41287 ADD A,16
41289 LD E,A
41290 DJNZ DrawInventory_0
41292 RET
DrawInventoryItem 41293 PUSH BC
41294 PUSH DE
41295 PUSH IX
41297 LD IX,41341
41301 LD A,(HL)
41302 INC HL
41303 OR (HL)
41304 INC HL
41305 LD A,(HL)
41306 JR NZ,DrawInventory_1
41308 LD A,49
DrawInventory_1 41310 INC HL
41311 LD (IX+0),A
41314 LD (IX+3),E
41317 LD (IX+4),D
41320 LD A,(HL)
41321 INC HL
41322 LD (IX+5),A
41325 PUSH HL
41326 CALL ClearSprite
41329 CALL DrawEntity
41332 CALL SetEntityAttributes
41335 POP HL
41336 POP IX
41338 POP DE
41339 POP BC
41340 RET
EntityToDraw 41341 DEFB 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
Prev: 41255 Up: Map Next: 41349