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24503: Create Game Window
Used by the routines at 24545, GameInitialisation and GameOver_1UP.
Blank the screen and write the banner.
CreateWindow 24503 CALL ResetAttributes Call ResetAttributes.
24506 CALL ResetScreen Call ResetScreen.
24509 CALL PrintBanner Call PrintBanner.
Set the attributes for the 1UP lives graphic.
24512 LD HL,22536 HL=22536.
24515 LD A,71 A=71.
24517 LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
24518 INC HL Increment HL by one.
24519 LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
Set the attributes for the 2UP lives graphic.
24520 LD HL,22550 HL=22550.
24523 LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
24524 INC HL Increment HL by one.
24525 LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
Set the attributes for the score line (the whole line is INK:69).
24526 LD HL,22560 HL=22560.
24529 LD BC,8261 BC=counter:32 INK:69.
CreateWindow_Loop 24532 LD (HL),C Write 69 to the attribute buffer.
24533 INC L Move onto the next column.
24534 DJNZ CreateWindow_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to CreateWindow_Loop until counter is zero.
Write the 1UP, 2UP and HI scores.
24536 CALL Score_1UP Call Score_1UP.
24539 CALL Score_2UP Call Score_2UP.
24542 JP Score_HI Jump to Score_HI.
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