Prev: 27697 Up: Map Next: 27736
27708: Next Level
Used by the routine at 29080.
NextLevel 27708 LD HL,24365 Increase 1UP_Level by one.
27711 INC (HL)
27712 LD A,(HL) A=1UP_Level.
27713 AND %00000111 Keep only bits 1-3.
Every 5 levels is an extra life, handle the logic.
27715 CP 5 If there's carry-over from 5 jump to GameInit.
27717 JR C,GameInit
27719 LD A,(HL) Add 3 to 1UP_Level (and write it).
27720 ADD A,3
27722 LD (HL),A
27723 LD HL,24366 Increase 1UP_Lives by one.
27726 INC (HL)
27727 LD BC,9472 BC=9472.
27730 CALL AddPointsToScore Call AddPointsToScore.
27733 JP 25832 Jump to 25832.
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