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27736: Initialise New Game
Used by the routines at StartGame, 25832 and NextLevel.
GameInit 27736 LD A,(24365) A=1UP_Level.
27739 RLCA A=A * 2.
27740 AND %01110000 Keep only bits 4-6.
27742 ADD A,16 Add 16.
27744 LD (24367),A Write this to 1UP_Nasties.
27747 LD HL,24405 Write 10 to BufferIngredients.
27750 LD (HL),10
27752 INC HL Write 32 to 24406.
27753 LD (HL),32
The number of Nasties to spawn maxes at 153.
27755 LD HL,24368 A=1UP_Ingredients.
27758 LD A,(HL)
27759 ADD A,1 A=A + 1 (with "Decimal Adjust after Addition").
27761 DAA
27762 CP 153 If A is already 153 jump to GameInit_Return.
27764 JR C,GameInit_Return
27766 LD A,153 A=153.
GameInit_Return 27768 LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
27769 RET Return.
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