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7160: Frame Update
Used by the routine at StartGame.
FrameUpdate 7160 DI Disable interrupts.
7161 LD A,($5C78) Store FRAMES at LastFrame.
7164 LD ($5F22),A
7167 LD A,$01 Set FrameUpdated to 01 (frame has updated).
7169 LD ($5F23),A
716C PUSH IX Stash IX on the stack.
716E LD HL,$5F55 Write BufferIngredients to 71AC.
7171 LD ($71AC),HL
Self modifying code;
7174 LD A,$C3 Write C3 to 71BE and 7198 to 71BF, i.e. JP 7198.
7176 LD ($71BE),A
7179 LD HL,$7198
717C LD ($71BF),HL
717F LD IX,$5F35 IX=BufferNasties.
7183 JP MainLoop Jump to MainLoop.
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