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7623: Fetch Sprite
Used by the routine at 7557.
DE The sprite memory address
GetDefaultSprite 7623 LD A,($5F16) A=5F16.
GetSprite 7626 DEC A Decrease A by one.
7627 RLCA Multiply by 2 as the table contains addresses.
7628 AND %01111110 Keep only bits 1-6.
762A LD HL,$7702 HL=sprite lookup table.
762D LD C,A Calculate the lookup address (HL + offset).
762E LD B,$00
7630 ADD HL,BC
7631 LD E,(HL) DE=fetch sprite address pointed to by HL.
7632 INC HL
7633 LD D,(HL)
7634 RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routine at 7584.
ActorGetSprite 7635 LD A,(IX+$00) Load the sprite ID from the currently active actor.
7638 JR GetSprite Jump to GetSprite.
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