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60A9: Initialise New Level
Used by the routines at StartGame and 66C7.
LevelNew 60A9 LD A,($5DF0) A=ActivePlayer_Level.
60AC AND %00000011 If ActivePlayer_Level % $04 (every 4th level) ... then continue and reset the rocket else jump to LevelInitialisation.
60AE JR NZ,LevelInitialisation
60B0 CALL RocketReset Call RocketReset.
60B3 LD HL,$5DF1 Increase the lives counter ActivePlayer_Lives by one.
60B6 INC (HL)
60B7 CALL PlayerInitialisation Call PlayerInitialisation.
This entry point is used by the routine at PlayerReset.
LevelInitialisation 60BA CALL $6929 Call 6929.
60BD CALL CreateWindow Call CreateWindow.
60C0 CALL $766D Call 766D.
60C3 CALL DisplayPlayerLives Call DisplayPlayerLives.
60C6 LD A,($5C78) A=FRAMES.
60C9 LD ($5DD4),A Write A to LastFrame.
60CC RET Return.
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