Prev: 619A Up: Map Next: 61D3
61BD: Routine at 61BD
Used by the routine at GamePlayStarts.
61BD LD A,($5DD1) A=Flag_ActivePlayer
61C0 AND A
61C1 JR NZ,$61E0
61C3 LD HL,$0018 HL=$0018
This entry point is used by the routine at 61D3.
61C6 CALL AttributeAddress
61C9 LD B,$03 B=$03
61CB LD A,(HL) A=(HL)
61CC OR $80
61CE LD (HL),A Push A into the memory location at HL
61CF INC HL Increase HL by one
61D0 DJNZ $61CB Decrease B by one, jump to 61CB if not zero
61D2 RET Return
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