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29074: Print Banner
Used by the routine at CreateWindow.
Prints "1UP".
PrintBanner 29074 LD HL,24 HL=0024.
29077 LD DE,29101 DE=1UP_Text.
29080 CALL PrintString Call Score_1UP.
Prints "HI".
29083 LD HL,120 HL=0120.
29086 LD DE,29109 DE=HI_Text.
29089 CALL PrintString Call Score_1UP.
Prints "2UP".
29092 LD HL,216 HL=0216.
29095 LD DE,29105 DE=2UP_Text.
29098 JP PrintString Jump to Score_1UP.
Banner text data.
1UP_Text 29101 DEFM 71 "1UP" (71 is the attribute).
29102 DEFM "1U","P"+128
2UP_Text 29105 DEFM 71 "2UP" (71 is the attribute).
29106 DEFM "2U","P"+128
HI_Text 29109 DEFM 69 "HI" (69 is the attribute).
29110 DEFM "H","I"+128
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