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6187: Routine at 6187
6187 DEFM $47 "GAME OVER PLAYER 1" (47 is the attribute).
6188 DEFM "GAME OVER PLAYER ","1"+$80
This entry point is used by the routines at LevelNew, PlayerReset and 66EB.
619A LD HL,$6010 HL Source address: Initialisation_Player
619D LD DE,$5D00 DE Target address: JETMAN_FRAME
61A0 LD BC,$0008 BC=loop counter
61A3 LDIR Action! Copy source to target, decrease counter, repeat until zero
61A5 LD A,$80 A=$80
61A7 LD HL,$5CF3 if bit 0 is set for GameOptions (is this a 2UP game) then jump to 61B0
61AA BIT 0,(HL)
61AC JR Z,$61B0
61AE ADD A,$7F Add $7F to A and update PlayDelay_Counter with the result
61B0 LD ($5DD7),A
61B3 LD A,($5DF1) Decrease ActivePlayer_Lives by 1
61B6 DEC A
61B7 LD ($5DF1),A
61BA JP DisplayPlayerLives Jump to DisplayPlayerLives
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