Prev: 684B Up: Map Next: 68B1
6854: Routine at 6854
6854 DEC (IX+$01)
6857 JR Z,$6870
6859 LD A,(IX+$01)
685C ADD A,$18
685E LD C,A
This entry point is used by the routine at 684B.
685F LD A,$10
6861 OUT ($FE),A
6863 LD B,C
6864 DJNZ $6864 Decrease B by one, and loop back to 6864 until zero
6866 XOR A
6867 OUT ($FE),A
6869 LD B,C
686A DJNZ $686A Decrease B by one, and loop back to 686A until zero
686C DEC C
686D JR NZ,$685F
686F RET
This entry point is used by the routine at 684B.
6870 LD (IX+$00),$00
6874 RET
This entry point is used by the routine at 63DA.
6875 PUSH IX
6877 LD IX,$5D80
687B LD HL,$5D00
687E LD C,(HL)
6880 LD A,(HL)
6881 LD (IX+$01),A
6884 INC HL
6885 LD A,(HL)
6886 LD (IX+$02),A
6889 LD A,C
688A CALL $68AB
688F XOR A
6890 LD ($5D00),A
6893 RET
This entry point is used by the routines at 63DA, 6AEF, 6CF5, 6DD3 and 7571.
6894 LD A,(IX+$00)
6897 AND $C0
6899 OR $03
689B LD (IX+$05),$00
689F LD (IX+$06),A
68A2 LD (IX+$00),$08
68A6 LD (IX+$04),$00
68AB LD (IX+$05),$01
68AF JR $689F
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