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35771: Draw HUD Panel
Used by the routine at LevelNew.
DrawHUDPanel 35771 LD HL,(24068) HL=FontPointer.
35774 PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
35775 LD HL,56727 Write UDG_Tiles to FontPointer.
35778 LD (24068),HL
The panel is printed like a font.
35781 LD BC,7683 BC=7683.
35784 LD DE,56927 DE=HUDPanelLayoutData.
35787 LD HL,16449 HL=16449 (screen buffer location).
DrawHUDPanel_Pixel_Row 35790 PUSH BC
35791 PUSH HL
DrawHUDPanel_Pixel_Column 35792 LD A,(DE)
35793 INC DE
35794 ADD A,32
35796 CALL PrintScreen
35799 DJNZ DrawHUDPanel_Pixel_Column
35801 POP HL
35802 LD BC,32
35805 ADD HL,BC
35806 POP BC
35807 DEC C
35808 JR NZ,DrawHUDPanel_Pixel_Row
Now write the attribute bytes.
35810 LD DE,57017 DE=HUDPanelAttributes.
35813 LD HL,22593 HL=22593 (attribute buffer location).
35816 LD BC,7683 BC=7683.
DrawHUDPanel_Attribute_Row 35819 PUSH BC
35820 PUSH HL
DrawHUDPanel_Attribute_Column 35821 LD A,(DE)
35822 INC DE
35823 LD (HL),A
35824 INC L
35825 DJNZ DrawHUDPanel_Attribute_Column
35827 POP HL
35828 LD BC,32
35831 ADD HL,BC
35832 POP BC
35833 DEC C
35834 JR NZ,DrawHUDPanel_Attribute_Row
Restore the old font pointer.
35836 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
35837 LD (24068),HL Write HL back to FontPointer.
35840 RET Return.
View the equivalent code in;
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