Prev: 35902 Up: Map Next: 36028
35953: Routine at 8C71
35953 LD HL,24167 If GameDelayTimer is zero, jump to 35993.
35956 LD A,(HL)
35957 AND A
35958 JR Z,35993
35960 DEC (HL) Decrement GameDelayTimer by one.
35961 JR NZ,HandlerScoreLabel Jump to HandlerScoreLabel if the delay timer is still active.
35963 CALL SoundsPickupItem Call SoundsPickupItem.
35966 LD A,(24224) A=ActivePlayer_Level.
35969 AND %00000001 Keep only bit 0.
35971 LD (24226),A Write the result to 24226.
35974 LD A,(24165) Jump to 35988 if Flag_ActivePlayer is not zero.
35977 AND A
35978 JR NZ,35988
35980 LD HL,24 HL=0024.
35983 CALL UnsetFlashText Call UnsetFlashText.
35986 JR 35993 Jump to 35993.
35988 LD HL,216 HL=0216.
35991 JR 35983 Jump to 35983.
35993 LD HL,4160 HL=4160.
35996 LD A,(24719) A=FuelLevel_2.
35999 CALL DrawGauge Call DrawGauge.
36002 CALL HandlerControls Call HandlerControls.
36005 BIT 1,A
36007 JP Z,36066
36010 BIT 0,A
36012 JP Z,36084
36015 BIT 3,A
36017 LD A,0 Write 0 to IX+5.
36019 LD (IX+5),A
36022 JP Z,36869
36025 JP 36063 Jump to 36063.
Prev: 35902 Up: Map Next: 36028