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43823: Routine at AB2F
Used by the routine at 41386.
43823 LD HL,43595 HL=43595.
43826 LD DE,43743 DE=43743.
43829 LD B,16 B=16.
43831 LD A,(HL)
43832 INC HL
43833 LD (DE),A
43834 INC DE
43835 LD A,(HL)
43836 INC HL
43837 LD (DE),A
43838 INC DE Increment DE by one.
43839 INC HL Increment HL by three.
43840 INC HL
43841 INC HL
43842 INC DE Increment DE by three.
43843 INC DE
43844 INC DE
43845 DJNZ 43831 Decrease counter by one and loop back to 43831 until counter is zero.
43847 RET Return.
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