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46484: Messaging: Missile Launch
Used by the routine at 46382.
Handle displaying "WARNING" messaging.
Message_MissileLaunch 46484 LD DE,46556 DE=String_Warning.
46487 LD HL,10336 HL=10336 (screen location).
46490 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Handle displaying "A MISSILE HAS BEEN LAUNCHED" messaging.
46493 LD DE,46564 DE=String_Launched.
46496 LD HL,14344 HL=14344 (screen location).
46499 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Handle displaying "FROM THE ENEMY BASE" messaging.
46502 LD DE,46593 DE=String_EnemyBase.
46505 LD HL,18440 HL=18440 (screen location).
46508 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Handle displaying "YOUR LUNAR ROVER IS IN DANGER" messaging.
46511 LD DE,46615 DE=String_Danger.
46514 LD HL,22536 HL=22536 (screen location).
46517 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Handle displaying "OF BEING DESTROYED" messaging.
46520 LD DE,46646 DE=String_BeingDestroyed.
46523 LD HL,26632 HL=26632 (screen location).
46526 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Handle displaying "IT IS ESTIMATED THAT LASER" messaging.
46529 LD DE,46666 DE=String_Estimated.
46532 LD HL,32776 HL=32776 (screen location).
46535 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Handle displaying "HITS WILL BE REQUIRED TO" messaging.
46538 LD DE,46697 DE=String_Required.
46541 LD HL,36872 HL=36872 (screen location).
46544 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Handle displaying "DESTROY THE MISSILE." messaging.
46547 LD DE,46723 DE=String_DestroyMissile.
46550 LD HL,40968 HL=40968 (screen location).
46553 JP PrintStringColour Jump to PrintStringColour.
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