Prev: 46274 Up: Map Next: 46484
46382: Routine at B52E
Used by the routine at 44342.
46382 DI Disable interrupts.
46383 LD DE,47658 DE=47658.
46386 CALL 47548 Call 47548.
46389 RST 56
46390 LD A,(24862)
46393 CALL Convert_Base10 Call Convert_Base10.
Here we alter "hits" to update with the number of hits.
46396 LD HL,46688 HL=46688.
46399 LD C,A
46400 RRCA
46401 RRCA
46402 RRCA
46403 RRCA
46404 AND %00001111 Keep only bits 0-3.
46406 JR NZ,46410
46408 LD A,240
46410 ADD A,48
46412 LD (HL),A
46413 INC HL
46414 LD A,C
46415 AND %00001111 Keep only bits 0-3.
46417 ADD A,48
46419 LD (HL),A
46420 CALL 35749 Call 35749.
46423 LD B,12 B=12.
46425 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
46426 CALL ControlsPause Call ControlsPause.
46429 CALL Message_MissileLaunch Call Message_MissileLaunch.
46432 LD C,128 C=128 (pitch).
46434 LD D,128 D=128 (duration).
46436 CALL PlaySquareWave Call PlaySquareWave.
46439 DEC D
46440 JR NZ,46436
46442 LD A,66
46444 LD (46556),A
46447 CALL Message_MissileLaunch
46450 LD A,86
46452 LD (46556),A
46455 LD HL,32768 HL=SecurityCheck.
46458 DEC HL
46459 LD A,L
46460 OR H
46461 JR NZ,46458
46463 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
46464 DJNZ 46425
46466 LD DE,47578 DE=47578.
46469 CALL 47548 Call 47548.
46472 CALL 35749 Call 35749.
46475 CALL Handler_ResetLaserBeamSlots Call Handler_ResetLaserBeamSlots.
46478 CALL ResetAlienStates Call ResetAlienStates.
46481 JP 41717 Jump to 41717.
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