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24950: Player Initialisation
Used by the routines at LevelNew and Message_Eaten.
PlayerInit 24950 LD A,21 Write 21 to 24292.
24952 LD (24292),A
24955 LD HL,24350 Copy 8 bytes of data from DefaultState_Robbie to Robbie_Object.
24958 LD DE,24172
24961 LD BC,8
24964 LDIR
Set default "begin play" delay period.
24966 LD A,128 A=128 (delay counter).
24968 LD HL,24067 If GameOptions says this is a 1UP game, jump to PlayerInit_WriteDelay.
24971 BIT 0,(HL)
24973 JR Z,PlayerInit_WriteDelay
24975 ADD A,127 Else, A=255 for a two player game (to give more time for "passing over" the controls.
PlayerInit_WriteDelay 24977 LD (24098),A Write the delay counter to PlayDelay_Counter.
"Spend" a life.
24980 LD A,(24120) Decrease CurrentPlayer_Lives by one.
24983 DEC A
24984 LD (24120),A
24987 JP DisplayPlayerLives Jump to DisplayPlayerLives.
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