Address Length Description
23729 335
Game status buffer entry at 5CB1
24064 3
High Score
3-byte representation of the score.
24067 1
Game Options
Holds the number of players and the chosen control method.
Byte Binary Option
0 00000000 1UP Game + Keyboard
1 00000001 2UP Game + Keyboard
2 00000010 1UP Game + Kempston Joystick
3 00000011 2UP Game + Kempston Joystick
24068 1
Sound On/ Off
Either 0 or 1.
24069 3
1UP Score
3-byte representation of the score.
24072 3
2UP Score
3-byte representation of the score.
24075 11
Temporary Actor State
24086 1
Current Bug ID
Values are 0 (no bug update?) up to the max number of bugs: 1 to 6. Used by all bug update routines and in a few other places.
24087 2
Game Timer
16-bit counter starting at 0x0000 and counting +1 (each time a sprite is moved or redrawn), although sometimes it will increment + 2. This continues until the whole game is over - for both 1 and 2 player games. Counter loops around after reaching 65535.
24089 5
Random Number
Value is calculated using the 16-bit game timer LSB value, which is used to fetch a byte from the ROM (between addresses 0 and 255), then by adding the current R.
24094 1
Current Player
Either 0 for 1UP or 255 for 2UP.
24095 1
Last Frame
Holds a copy of the last FRAMES counter.
24096 1
Frame Updated
Has the frame been updated? 0=No 1=Yes.
24097 1
Menu Item Attribute
Current menu item colour attribute.
24098 1
"Get Ready" Delay Counter
24099 20
Game status buffer entry at 5E23
24119 1
Active Player Level
Note that level 1 is 0.
24120 1
Active Player Lives
The currently active players remaining lives.
24121 1
Inactive Player Level
Note that level 1 is 0.
24122 1
Inactive Player Lives
The inactive players remaining lives.
24123 1
Game status buffer entry at 5E3B
24124 8
Game status buffer entry at 5E3C
24132 40
Game status buffer entry at 5E44
24172 8
Robbie State
24180 3
Game status buffer entry at 5E74
24183 21
Game status buffer entry at 5E77
24204 8
Flower State
24212 32
Leaf Data
24244 65
Game status buffer entry at 5EB4
24350 8
Default Robbie State
24358 8
Default Flower State
24366 10
Game status buffer entry at 5F2E
24376 8
Game status buffer entry at 5F38