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AA6A: Game Over
Set up altering the "GAME OVER PLAYER X" message for 1UP.
GameOver_1UP AA6A LD A,"1"+$80 A="1" + 80 (escape character).
Print the messaging and pause to show it for a period of time.
GameOver_Write AA6C LD ($AAD3),A Write ASCII player number to AAD3(GameOver_Text).
AA6F CALL ClearPlayArea_Attributes Call ClearPlayArea_Attributes.
AA72 CALL ClearPlayArea Call ClearPlayArea.
AA75 LD DE,$AAD4 DE=AdventureCompleted_Text.
AA78 LD HL,$7820 HL=7820.
AA7B CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
AA7E LD DE,$AAC1 DE=GameOver_Text.
AA81 LD HL,$6038 HL=6038.
AA84 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
AA87 CALL PrintRoomsVisited Call PrintRoomsVisited.
AA8A LD DE,$BD28 DE=MusicData_GameOver.
AA8D CALL PlayAudio Call PlayAudio.
Introduce a pause by counting down from 10000 twice.
AA90 LD B,$02 B=02 (counter).
AA92 LD HL,$0000 HL=00 (large counter).
AA95 JP Pause Call Pause.
Set up altering the "GAME OVER PLAYER X" message for 2UP.
GameOver_2UP AA98 LD A,"2"+$80 A="2" + 80 (escape character).
AA9A JR GameOver_Write Jump to GameOver_Write.
This controller simply returns on end. This is for when the game continues after the messaging.
GameOver_Controller AA9C LD A,($969E) If Flag_ActivePlayer is zero, jump to GameOver_1UP.
AAA0 JR Z,GameOver_1UP
AAA2 JR GameOver_2UP Else, jump to GameOver_2UP.
This is a controller with a jump to Game_Restart to return to the game selection screen.
GameOver_ControllerRestart AAA4 LD A,($969E) If Flag_ActivePlayer is not zero, jump to GameOver_Restart2UP.
AAA8 JR NZ,GameOver_Restart2UP
AAAA CALL GameOver_1UP Call GameOver_1UP.
GameOver_1UP_0 AAAD CALL NewHighScore Call NewHighScore.
AAB0 LD A,($96BA) If 96BA is not zero, jump to GameOver_Restart.
AAB4 JR Z,GameOver_Restart
AAB6 CALL HandlerHallOfFame_0 Call HandlerHallOfFame_0.
GameOver_Restart AAB9 JP Game_Restart Jump to Game_Restart.
GameOver_Restart2UP AABC CALL GameOver_2UP Call GameOver_2UP.
AABF JR GameOver_1UP_0 Jump to GameOver_1UP_0.
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