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932C: Processes The Remaining Time String
Buffer for processing text output.
Time_Buffer 932C DEFM " 30",$00 Guessing at the length.
9332 DEFS $04 Maybe unused?
This entry point is used by the routine at Print_Time.
Process_Print_Time 9336 PUSH DE Push DE containing the screen position for printing onto the stack for later.
9337 LD IX,$932C Point IX at the first character of the time display buffer at Time_Buffer.
933B CALL Process_Time Call Process_Time.
933E PUSH IX IX points to one byte off the end of the time buffer, write 00 as a terminator for the print routine.
9340 POP HL
9341 LD A,$00
9343 LD (HL),A
9344 POP HL Fetch the screen position off the stack and store it in HL.
The time isn't printed as "00005" so this routine replaces the zeroes with spaces in the time print buffer.
9345 LD DE,$932C Store Time_Buffer in DE.
Time_Zero_To_Spaces 9348 LD A,(DE) Grab the next character from the time buffer.
9349 CP $30 If it is not ASCII "0" then jump to Time_Check_Last.
934B JP NZ,Time_Check_Last
934E LD A,$20 Write ASCII "space" (20) to the time buffer location.
9350 LD (DE),A
9351 INC DE Move onto the next character.
9352 JP Time_Zero_To_Spaces Jump back to Time_Zero_To_Spaces.
If time has run out, show at least an ASCII "0".
Time_Check_Last 9355 LD DE,$9330 Point to the last digit of the time buffer 9330.
9358 LD A,(DE) If it is not an ASCII "space" (20) then jump to Print_Time_Screen.
9359 CP $20
935B JP NZ,Print_Time_Screen
935E LD A,$30 Time has run out, so write ASCII "0" to this last character.
9360 LD (DE),A
Send the time buffer to Print_String.
Print_Time_Screen 9361 LD DE,$932C Point to Time_Buffer and call Print_String.
9364 CALL Print_String
9367 RET Return.
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