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44735: Print The Current Dan (or "NOVICE") Message
Used by the routine at Start_1UP_Game.
Should this be a Dan, or just "novice"?
Show_Rank 44735 LD HL,290 Grab Current_Rank.
44738 LD A,(45151)
44741 AND 31 Mask bits d0-d4.
44743 JR NZ,Rank_Is_Dan If the rank is higher than zero jump to Rank_Is_Dan.
44745 LD DE,45125 Point to Text_Novice and call Print_String.
44748 CALL Print_String
44751 RET Return.
Handle "ST" suffix.
Rank_Is_Dan 44752 LD DE,45133 Use Text_ST_Suffix if this is the "1st" Dan.
44755 CP 1
44757 JR Z,Print_Rank
Handle "ND" suffix.
44759 LD DE,45136 Use Text_ND_Suffix if this is the "2nd" Dan.
44762 CP 2
44764 JR Z,Print_Rank
Handle "RD" suffix.
44766 LD DE,45139 Use Text_RD_Suffix if this is the "3rd" Dan.
44769 CP 3
44771 JR Z,Print_Rank
Handle "TH" suffix.
44773 LD DE,45142 Else use Text_TH_Suffix for every"th"ing else.
Print the result to screen.
Print_Rank 44776 LD HL,546 Call Print_String.
44779 CALL Print_String
44782 LD HL,1058 Point to Text_Dan and call Print_String.
44785 LD DE,45145
44788 CALL Print_String
44791 RET Return.
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