Prev: 64CB Up: Map Next: 6580
6500: Sounds
Used by the routines at LevelSelect, Duel_Prep and Action_Controls.
Shot_Sound_01_Alias 6500 JR Shot_Sound_01
This entry point is used by the routines at Bang and Action_Controls.
Shot_Sound_02_Alias 6502 JR Shot_Sound_02
This entry point is used by the routine at Action_Controls.
Shot_Sound_03_Alias 6504 JR Shot_Sound_03
6506 DEFW $2020
6508 DEFW $2020
650A DEFW $2020
650C DEFW $2020
650E DEFW $2020
6510 DEFW $2020
6512 DEFW $2020
6514 DEFW $2020
6516 DEFW $2020
6518 DEFW $2020
651A DEFB $20,$00,$00,$00,$00
Sound data.
Data_Sound_01 651F DEFW $0A02
6521 DEFW $4060
6523 DEFW $0803
6525 DEFW $00C0
Data_Sound_02 6527 DEFW $0A02
6529 DEFW $2040
652B DEFW $0803
652D DEFW $80F0
Data_Sound_03 652F DEFW $0A02
6531 DEFW $4050
6533 DEFW $0803
6535 DEFW $8000
Shot sound 1.
Shot_Sound_01 6537 LD IX,$651F Calls Play_Shot_Sound using Data_Sound_01.
653B CALL Play_Shot_Sound
653E RET Return.
Shot sound 2.
Shot_Sound_02 653F LD IX,$6527 Calls Play_Shot_Sound using Data_Sound_02.
6543 CALL Play_Shot_Sound
6546 RET Return.
Shot sound 3.
Shot_Sound_03 6547 LD IX,$652F Calls Play_Shot_Sound using Data_Sound_03.
654B CALL Play_Shot_Sound
654E RET Return.
Play_Shot_Sound 654F CALL Shot_Sound Call Shot_Sound.
6552 INC IX Increase IX by 04.
6554 INC IX
6556 INC IX
6558 INC IX
655A CALL Shot_Sound Call Shot_Sound.
655D RET Return.
Shot_Sound 655E LD E,(IX+$00) jjj
6561 LD A,$18
Shot_Sound_01_Alias_0 6563 XOR $18
6565 OUT ($FE),A
6567 LD C,(IX+$01)
Shot_Sound_01_Alias_1 656A XOR $18
656C OUT ($FE),A
656E LD B,(IX+$02)
Shot_Sound_Loopback 6571 DJNZ Shot_Sound_Loopback
6573 DEC C
6574 JR NZ,Shot_Sound_01_Alias_1
6576 LD D,(IX+$03)
Shot_Sound_01_Alias_2 6579 DEC D
657A JR NZ,Shot_Sound_01_Alias_2
657C DEC E
657D JR NZ,Shot_Sound_01_Alias_0
657F RET Return.
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