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C300: Draw Playfield
Used by the routine at Draw_PlayWithDoors.
Playfield Output
Draw_Playfield C300 LD L,(IX+$00) Set Copy_Routine as the destination address at Alias_Copy_Routine.
C303 LD H,(IX+$01)
C306 LD ($C3B8),HL
C309 LD HL,$4000 Clears the screen buffer by writing 00 to all 6912 memory locations.
C30C LD DE,$4001
C312 LD (HL),$00
Draws the numbering of the deposit boxes on the left and right of the screen.
C316 LD HL,$4001 Points HL to 4001 (screen buffer) and DE to SlotNumbers_Left, then calls the routine at Alias_Copy_Routine.
C319 LD DE,$DFA0
C31C LD BC,$080C
C31F CALL Alias_Copy_Routine
C322 LD HL,$4013 Points HL to 4013 (screen buffer) and DE to SlotNumbers_Right, then calls the routine at Alias_Copy_Routine.
C325 LD DE,$E000
C328 LD BC,$080C
C32B CALL Alias_Copy_Routine
Draws the centrepiece "till" image.
C32E LD HL,$400E Points HL to 400E (screen buffer) and DE to Centrepiece, then calls the routine at Alias_Copy_Routine.
C331 LD DE,$E060
C334 LD B,$18
C336 LD C,$04
C338 CALL Alias_Copy_Routine
Draws the game play area (doors and wall sections).
C33B LD HL,$4060 Points HL to 4060 (screen buffer) and DE to DoorsTop, then calls the routine at Alias_Copy_Routine.
C33E LD DE,$E0C0
C341 LD BC,$0820
C344 CALL Alias_Copy_Routine
C347 LD HL,$4080 Points HL to 4080 (screen buffer) and DE to WallLeft, then calls the routine at Alias_Copy_Routine.
C34A LD DE,$E1C0
C34D LD B,$58
C34F LD C,$02
C351 CALL Alias_Copy_Routine
C354 LD HL,$4089 Points HL to 4089 (screen buffer) and DE to WallMiddle, then calls the routine at Alias_Copy_Routine.
C357 LD DE,$E270
C35A LD B,$58
C35C LD C,$04
C35E CALL Alias_Copy_Routine
C361 LD HL,$4094 Points HL to 4094 (screen buffer) and DE to WallMiddle, then calls the routine at Alias_Copy_Routine.
C364 LD DE,$E270
C367 LD B,$58
C369 LD C,$04
C36B CALL Alias_Copy_Routine
C36E LD HL,$409F Points HL to 409F (screen buffer) and DE to DoorFrame_Side, then calls the routine at Alias_Copy_Routine.
C371 LD DE,$E3D0
C374 LD B,$58
C376 LD C,$01
C378 CALL Alias_Copy_Routine
C37B LD HL,$48E0 Points HL to 48E0 (screen buffer) and DE to DoorBottom, then calls the routine at Alias_Copy_Routine.
C37E LD DE,$E428
C381 LD BC,$0820
C384 CALL Alias_Copy_Routine
Draws the Bank Teller desks.
C387 LD HL,$5020 Points HL to 5020 (screen buffer) and DE to Tellers, then calls the routine at Alias_Copy_Routine.
C38A LD DE,$E528
C38D LD BC,$2020
C390 CALL Alias_Copy_Routine
Writes the "SCORE" and "LIVES" labels (these aren't text, they're images).
C393 LD HL,$50C1 Points HL to 50C1 (screen buffer) and DE to Score_Text_Image, then calls the routine at Alias_Copy_Routine.
C396 LD DE,$E928
C399 LD BC,$1006
C39C CALL Alias_Copy_Routine
C39F LD HL,$50B0 Points HL to 50B0 (screen buffer) and DE to Lives_Text_Image, then calls the routine at Alias_Copy_Routine.
C3A2 LD DE,$E988
C3A5 LD BC,$1606
C3A8 CALL Alias_Copy_Routine
Copies attribute data to the screen.
C3AB LD HL,$ED00 Copies 0300 bytes of attribute data from ED00 to 5800.
C3AE LD DE,$5800
C3B1 LD BC,$0300
C3B6 RET Return.
An alias which just calls the normal Copy_Routine.
Alias_Copy_Routine C3B7 CALL Copy_Routine Draws the image pointed to in DE to the screen location in HL using the dimensions in BC.
C3BA RET Return.
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