Address Length Description
5BC0 17
Dueller Number 1
Populated initially by Duel_Data.
5BD1 17
Dueller Number 2
Populated initially by Duel_Data.
5BE2 17
Dueller Number 3
Populated initially by Duel_Data.
5CB0 1
Control method
Whether to utilise keyboard or joystick for input.
5CB1 1
Current Level
C6E0 2
Duel Countdown Timer
C6E2 1
Duel Shot Flag
See Duel_Complete for the clearest example of usage.
C6E3 1
Duel Lost Life Flag
See Duel_Complete for the clearest example of usage.
C6E4 1
Duel Extra Life Flag
See Duel_Complete for the clearest example of usage.
CC38 2
Buffer for holding Copy_Routine address
CC59 1
Number of lives remaining
CC8D 12
Deposit Flags
Stores whether a deposit has been made for each door.
CC99 2
Probably represents each block of six deposit flags
CD86 6
Score ($06 bytes)
CD8C 1
Game status buffer entry at CD8C
CD8D 3
Game status buffer entry at CD8D
CE12 2
Control Method Routine Alias
Points to either Controls_Joystick or Controls_Keyboard depending on the chosen control method.
CE14 6
Door Routine Buffer
These buffers point to the routines for character/ door actions for each door that are currently "in-play". Some example routines would be;
Routine Door
Prep_Bandit_Open "Normal" Bandit
Prep_Bowie Bowie
Prep_Customer Customer
Prep_Julius_Open Julius
Prep_Bandit_Draw_Open "Drawing" Bandit
And will also hold the door closing routines as well.
CE1A 1
Door Frame Reference
Only one door is "active" at a time, this status buffer points to the "currently in-focus door".
CE1B 1
Basic door speed multiplier for opening doors - always 3.
CE1C 2
Game speed. Starts at 0500 for phase one, then gradually gets faster.
CE1E 3
Current door speed multiplier (larger = slower). Cycles between the value in CE1B and 1, allowing doors to open at different times.
D165 14
Door 1 Flags
D173 14
Door 2 Flags
D181 14
Door 3 Flags
D18F 1
Game status buffer entry at D18F
D190 1
Game status buffer entry at D190
D191 1
Game status buffer entry at D191
D300 1
Player Shot
D301 2
Player Left/ Right
D303 4
Player Shooting
D45C 2
Cash Deposit Box Reference
D8AC 4
Hash values for random number generator