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50728: Displays "Extra" and Bonus Score text
Handles whether to display points or "EXTRA" above each downed Bandit.
Duel_Points 50728 LD A,(50916) If Duel_Extra_Life is NOT zero then award 9(00) bonus points.
50731 AND A
50732 LD A,9
50734 JR NZ,Print_BonusScore
50736 LD HL,(23430) Fetch a 16 bit address from Lives_Address (Lives), if it is higher than $05 then award 9(00) bonus points.
50739 LD A,(HL)
50740 CP 5
50742 LD A,9
50744 JR NC,Print_BonusScore
50746 LD HL,50722 Points to Extra_Text_Copy and sends it to Print_TwoToneText_Alias.
Value Ink Paper Bright
42 2 5 0
41 1 5 0
50749 DEC DE
50750 LD BC,10793
50753 CALL Print_TwoToneText_Alias
50756 LD A,1 Writes 1 to Duel_Extra_Life.
50758 LD (50916),A
50761 INC (IX+9) Move onto the next frame.
50764 RET Return.
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