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52314: Display The "Life" Images
Set up counter=$05 screen buffer=$50B6.
Life_Images 52314 LD B,5 B=5.
52316 LD HL,20662 HL=20662.
Life_Images_Loop 52319 PUSH BC Push the counter onto the stack.
52320 LD DE,23296 DE=BufferGeneral.
52323 CALL Copy_RoutineLoop Call Copy_RoutineLoop.
52326 INC HL Increase HL by two.
52327 INC HL
52328 POP BC Restore the counter off the stack.
52329 DJNZ Life_Images_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to Life_Images_Loop until counter is zero.
52331 LD A,(52313) If Lives are zero then return.
52334 AND A
52335 RET Z
52336 CP 6 If Lives is more than or equal to "6" then return.
52338 RET NC
52339 LD B,A
52340 LD HL,20662
Draw_LivesLoop 52343 PUSH BC
52344 CALL Draw_Lives_Images
52347 INC HL
52348 INC HL
52349 POP BC
52350 DJNZ Draw_LivesLoop
52352 RET Return.
Draw_Lives_Images 52353 LD DE,65464 Point at the Lives_Image and call Copy_Routine.
Copy_RoutineLoop 52356 PUSH HL
52357 LD BC,6146
52360 CALL Copy_Routine
52363 POP HL
52364 RET Return.
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