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52654: Draw Numbering from Character Set Index
Used by the routines at TwoTone_Attributes_Buffer and Draw_Score.
Draw_Number 52654 PUSH DE Using $C000 as a base address, this works out the character set memory address from a given index passed in A. To give an example using "2" (37 - see Draw_Score);
  • Loads 37 as the low-order byte; HL=0037
  • Times by 16; HL=592
  • Add 49152=Char_2
This is then passed to Copy_Routine.
52655 LD H,0
52657 LD L,A
52658 ADD HL,HL
52659 ADD HL,HL
52660 ADD HL,HL
52661 ADD HL,HL
52662 LD DE,49152
52665 ADD HL,DE
52666 EX DE,HL
52667 POP HL
52668 LD BC,4097
52671 CALL Copy_Routine
52674 RET Return.
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