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6800: Routine at 6800
Used by the routines at GameInitialisation and 6E18.
6800 LD ($7819),A Write A to *7819.
6803 LD A,L L-=08.
6804 SUB $08
6806 LD L,A
6807 JR NC,$680D Jump to 680D if {} is higher.
6809 LD A,H H-=05.
680A SUB $05
680C LD H,A
680D LD ($7817),HL Write HL to *7817.
6810 LD HL,$0000 Write 0000 to *7814.
6813 LD ($7814),HL
6816 LD B,$20 B=20.
6818 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
6819 CALL $659C Call 659C.
681C CALL $659C Call 659C.
681F CALL Controller_ScrollPlayarea Call Controller_ScrollPlayarea.
6822 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
6823 DJNZ $6818 Decrease counter by one and loop back to 6818 until counter is zero.
6825 RET Return.
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