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28541: Handler: Hit Hump
Handler_HitHump 28541 LD A,(30772) A=*30772.
28544 AND %00000111 Keep only bits 0-2.
28546 RET NZ Return if the result is not zero.
28547 LD A,5 Write 5 to *Action.
28549 LD (30762),A
28552 LD A,(30772) A=*30772.
28555 AND %01000000 Keep only bit 6.
28557 LD HL,48398 HL=48398.
28560 JR Z,Handler_HitHump_0 Jump to Handler_HitHump_0 if {} is zero.
28562 LD L,33 L=33.
Handler_HitHump_0 28564 LD (30778),HL Write HL to *30778.
28567 RET Return.
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