Prev: 29977 Up: Map Next: 30005
29978: Handler: Hump Jump
Handler_HumpJump 29978 LD HL,(30766) HL=*30766.
29981 LD DE,17 DE=0017.
29984 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
29985 CP 40 Jump to Handler_HumpJump_0 if A is lower than 40.
29987 JR C,Handler_HumpJump_0
29989 CP 70 Compare A with 70.
29991 LD E,8 Alter awarded score to 0008.
29993 JR NC,Handler_HumpJump_0 Jump to Handler_HumpJump_0 if A was higher than 70 (on line 29989).
29995 LD E,1 Alter awarded score to 0001.
Award the score.
Handler_HumpJump_0 29997 LD HL,(30788) HL=*Score+DE.
30000 ADD HL,DE
30001 LD (30788),HL Write HL to *Score.
30004 RET Return.
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