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D4CC: Routine at D4CC
Used by the routine at GoldfishGame.
D4CC LD IX,$DC0E IX=GoldfishGame_PlayerAttributes.
D4D0 LD A,$11 Set PAPER: BLUE (01).
D4D2 RST $10
D4D3 LD A,$01
D4D5 RST $10
D4D6 LD A,(IX+$05) Jump to D4E1 if *IX+05 is equal to 00.
D4D9 CP $00
D4DD LD (IX+$04),$00 Write 00 to *IX+04.
D4E1 CALL Handler_SeaCreatureMovement Call Handler_SeaCreatureMovement.
D4E4 LD A,C Jump to D547 if C is equal to 19.
D4E5 CP $19
D4E7 JP Z,$D547
D4EA CP $0D Jump to D547 if C is equal to 0D.
D4EC JP Z,$D547
D4EF LD A,B Jump to D547 if B is equal to 11.
D4F0 CP $11
D4F2 JP Z,$D547
D4F5 CP $05 Jump to D547 if B is equal to 05.
D4F7 JP Z,$D547
D4FA LD A,C Jump to D50C if C is not equal to *IX+00.
D4FB CP (IX+$00)
D500 LD A,B Jump to D50C if B is not equal to *IX+01.
D501 CP (IX+$01)
D504 JR NZ,$D50C
D506 LD A,(IX+$03) Jump to D50C if *IX+03 is equal to D.
D509 CP D
D50A JR Z,$D50C
D50C LD (IX+$00),C Write C to *IX+00.
D50F LD (IX+$01),B Write B to *IX+01.
D512 LD (IX+$02),E Write E to *IX+02.
D515 LD (IX+$03),D Write D to *IX+03.
D518 PUSH DE Stash DE on the stack.
D519 CALL Handler_SeaCreatureAnimation Call Handler_SeaCreatureAnimation.
D51C POP DE Restore DE from the stack.
D51D LD (IX+$02),E Write E to *IX+02.
D520 LD (IX+$03),D Write D to *IX+03.
D523 LD HL,$934C Does nothing, this is immediately overwritten on the next line.
D526 LD HL,$9EEC Write 9EEC (Graphics_GoldfishGamePlayer) to *CHARS.
D529 LD ($5C36),HL
D52C CALL $D647 Call D647.
D52F LD A,(IX+$00) Write *IX+00 to *IX+0D.
D532 LD (IX+$0D),A
D535 LD A,(IX+$01) Write *IX+01 to *IX+0E.
D538 LD (IX+$0E),A
D53B LD A,(IX+$03) Write *IX+03 to *IX+0F.
D53E LD (IX+$0F),A
D541 LD A,(IX+$02) Write *IX+02 to *IX+0B.
D544 LD (IX+$0B),A
D547 LD (IX+$04),$00 Write 00 to *IX+04.
D54B LD (IX+$05),$00 Write 00 to *IX+05.
D54F RET Return.
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