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D870: Goldfish Game: Print Boats
Used by the routine at GoldfishGame.
Set attributes.
GoldfishGame_PrintBoats D870 LD A,$10 Set INK: BLACK (00).
D872 RST $10
D873 XOR A
D874 RST $10
D875 LD A,$11 Set PAPER: WHITE (07).
D877 RST $10
D878 LD A,$07
D87A RST $10
Graphics are created like fonts, they are 8x8 pixel UDG character blocks arranged sequentially into grids.
D87B LD HL,$98EC Write 98EC (Graphics_GoldfishGameBoat1) to *CHARS.
D87E LD ($5C36),HL
Start fetching UDGs from Graphics_GoldfishGameBoat1.
D881 LD A,$20 A=initial sprite ID: 20.
D883 LD C,$0F Print co-ordinates: 0F/ 18.
D885 LD B,$18
D887 LD D,$08 Width and height: 0C/ 08.
D889 LD E,$0C
D88B CALL GoldfishGame_PrintSprite Call GoldfishGame_PrintSprite.
D88E LD HL,$9BEC Write 9BEC (Graphics_GoldfishGameBoat2) to *CHARS.
D891 LD ($5C36),HL
Start fetching UDGs from Graphics_GoldfishGameBoat2.
D894 LD A,$20 A=initial sprite ID: 20.
D896 LD C,$21 Print co-ordinates: 21/ 18.
D898 LD B,$18
D89A LD D,$08 Width and height: 0C/ 08.
D89C LD E,$0C
D89E CALL GoldfishGame_PrintSprite Call GoldfishGame_PrintSprite.
D8A1 RET Return.
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