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D460: Goldfish Game: Print Sprite
A Sprite ID (where to begin)
BC Print co-ordinates
D Sprite height
E Sprite width
GoldfishGame_PrintSprite D460 PUSH HL Preserve HL on the stack as it's not actively used.
Store the Sprite ID. Note; it is incremented on each UDG character block being printed (see GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_PrintUDG), hence why it's -01 here.
D461 DEC A Decrease the Spite ID by one and store it at *GoldfishGame_TempSpriteID.
D462 LD ($DB3C),A
D465 LD A,E Store the Sprite width at *GoldfishGame_TempSpriteWidth.
D466 LD ($DB3B),A
Ensure that we're printing within the screen boundaries.
GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_Loop D469 LD A,C Jump to GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_Return if C is lower than 02.
D46A CP $02
D46C JP C,GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_Return
D46F LD A,($DB3B) E=*GoldfishGame_TempSpriteWidth.
D472 LD E,A
D473 LD A,C Jump to GoldfishGame_FindViewableSprite if C is higher than 22.
D474 CP $22
D476 JP NC,GoldfishGame_FindViewableSprite
GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_At D479 PUSH BC Stash the print co-ordinates and the sprite height/ width on the stack.
Set the current printing location.
D47B CALL $0DD9 Call CL_SET.
D47E POP DE Restore the sprite height/ width from the stack, they're used here as loop counters.
Action this sprite ID (+01 and print it to the screen buffer).
GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_PrintUDG D47F LD A,($DB3C) Increment *GoldfishGame_TempSpriteID by one.
D482 INC A
D483 LD ($DB3C),A
D486 CALL GoldfishGame_PrintColourUDG Call GoldfishGame_PrintColourUDG.
D489 LD A,C Call GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_0 if C is equal to 02.
D48A CP $02
D48C CALL Z,GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_0
Keep track of where we're printing to on the screen.
D48F DEC C Move right one character block.
D490 DEC E Decrease the sprite width counter by one.
D491 JR NZ,GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_PrintUDG Jump to GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_PrintUDG until the sprite width counter is zero.
A row of the sprite has been printed, so restore the screen position and move onto the next line.
D493 POP BC Restore the current print co-ordinates from the stack.
D494 DEC D Decrease the sprite height counter by one.
D495 JR Z,GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_Return Jump to GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_Return if the whole sprite has now finished printing.
D497 DEC B Move down one row.
D498 JR GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_Loop Jump to GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_Loop.
Housekeeping, and return.
GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_Return D49A POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
D49B RET Return.
GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_0 D49C DEC E Decrease E by one.
D49D PUSH AF Stash AF on the stack.
D49E INC E Increment E by one.
D49F LD A,($DB3C) Increment *GoldfishGame_TempSpriteID by one.
D4A3 LD ($DB3C),A
D4A6 POP AF Restore AF from the stack.
D4A7 RET Z Return if A is zero.
D4A8 DEC E Decrease E by one.
D4A9 JR GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_0 Jump to GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_0.
Try to discover the printable part of the sprite.
GoldfishGame_FindViewableSprite D4AB LD A,($DB3C) Increment *GoldfishGame_TempSpriteID by one.
D4B2 DEC E Decrease the sprite width counter by one.
D4B3 JP Z,GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_Return Jump to GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_Return if the sprite width counter is zero.
D4B6 DEC C Move right one character block.
D4B7 LD A,C Jump to GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_At if C is higher than 22.
D4B8 CP $22
D4BA JR NC,GoldfishGame_PrintSprite_At
D4BC JR GoldfishGame_FindViewableSprite Keep looping back to GoldfishGame_FindViewableSprite until we either return if this is invalid, or find a printable part of the sprite.
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