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E058: Reset Sound Flags
Used by the routines at InitialiseGame, ED8F and Handler_Doors.

It's quite difficult to find much technical information on how the Currah μSpeech ("Microspeech") works. The manual (section 6) does delve into it on a functional level, and this link is an excellent write-up of memory addresses where the device functions from.

Why this is relevant is because; the Spectrum Computing forums have cleverly found out that the Goldfish minigame is probably activated via this routine.

ResetSoundFlags E058 LD HL,$A06C HL=Graphics_MaskSprite.
E05E LD BC,$0064 BC=0064.
Note; obviously doing this crosses over the FFFF boundary. On a "normal" Spectrum the ROM is not writable at all (hence ROM, it's Read-Only Memory), however with a Currah μSpeech unit attached, 0000 is part of the device RAM - and hence is then writable (and will write 00 up to 005F).
E061 LDIR Copy 0064 bytes of data from *Graphics_MaskSprite to *FFFB.
E063 RET Return.
As for the "why does this activate the minigame?" that is still somewhat still waiting to be discovered.
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