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DEA8: Initialise Game
Used by the routines at StartGame and DemoMode.
Don't reset player lives or booty count if the game has already been completed and has looped around to start again.
InitialiseGame DEA8 LD A,($5BF0) Jump to InitialiseGameStates if *GameState is set to "Game Looped Mode" (02).
DEAD JP Z,InitialiseGameStates
Initialise new Game State attributes.
DEB0 LD A,$03 Write 03 to *PlayerLives.
DEB2 LD ($5BF1),A
DEB5 LD BC,$0000 Write 0000 to *PlayerBooty.
DEB8 LD ($5BF4),BC
This entry point is used by the routine at AllTreasureCollected.
InitialiseGameStates DEBC XOR A Write 00 to *CurrentRoom.
DEC0 LD BC,$007D Write 007D to *PlayerTreasure.
DEC3 LD ($5BF2),BC
DEC7 JR InitialisePlayer Jump to InitialisePlayer.
This entry point is used by the routine at LoseLife.
SetFirstRoom DEC9 LD A,$01 Write 01 to *CurrentRoom.
Initialise Player starting attributes.
InitialisePlayer DECE LD DE,$F231 Copy 0014 bytes of data from TableDefaultPlayerAttributes to TablePlayerAttributes.
DED1 LD HL,$F245
DED4 LD BC,$0014
DED9 LD A,$00 Write 00 to:
DEE1 LD ($E479),A
DEE4 LD A,$00 Write 00 to *TableBombSparks.
DEE9 LD A,$00 Write 00 to:
DEEE LD ($5C78),A
DEF1 LD ($5C79),A
DEF4 LD ($F340),A
This also draws the whole room.
DEF7 CALL PrintStatusBar Call PrintStatusBar.
Restore the default ZX Spectrum font.
DEFA LD HL,$3C00 Write 3C00 (CHARSET-0100) to *CHARS.
DEFD LD ($5C36),HL
DF00 LD A,$10 Set INK: YELLOW (06).
DF02 RST $10
DF03 LD A,$06
DF05 RST $10
DF06 LD A,$11 Set PAPER: *Active_BorderColour.
DF08 RST $10
DF09 LD A,($5BD0)
DF0C RST $10
DF0D CALL PrintStatusBarIcons Call PrintStatusBarIcons.
DF10 CALL ResetSoundFlags Call ResetSoundFlags.
This is the beginning of the game loop.
Game_Loop DF13 LD A,$11 Set PAPER: *ActiveRoom_PaperColour.
DF15 RST $10
DF16 LD A,($5BD1)
DF19 RST $10
DF1A CALL Handler_Animals Call Handler_Animals.
DF1D CALL Handler_PortHole Call Handler_PortHole.
DF20 CALL Handler_Bomb Call Handler_Bomb.
DF23 CALL Handler_Explosion Call Handler_Explosion.
DF26 CALL Handler_Pirates Call Handler_Pirates.
DF29 CALL InGamePause Call InGamePause.
DF2C CALL Handler_Lifts Call Handler_Lifts.
The player doesn't display during the demo mode, he can still "die" though - hence how often you hear the "lose a life" sound.
DF2F LD A,($5BF0) Call Handler_Player if *GameState is not set to "Demo Mode" (03).
DF32 CP $03
DF34 CALL NZ,Handler_Player
DF37 CALL Handler_Lifts2 Call Handler_Lifts2.
DF3A LD A,($E820) Jump to InitialiseGame_0 if *E820 is equal to 00.
DF3D CP $00
DF3F JR Z,InitialiseGame_0
DF41 DEC A Decrease A by one.
DF42 LD ($E820),A Write A to *E820.
InitialiseGame_0 DF45 LD A,($5BEA) Call PlayerControls_Kempston if *ControlMethod is set to Kempston joystick (0C).
DF48 CP $0C
DF4A CALL Z,PlayerControls_Kempston
DF4D LD A,($5BEA) Call PlayerControls if *ControlMethod is not set to Kempston joystick (0C).
DF50 CP $0C
DF52 CALL NZ,PlayerControls
DF55 CALL Handler_Items Call Handler_Items.
DF58 CALL Handler_DisappearingFloors Call Handler_DisappearingFloors.
Display the currently carried key.
Set attributes.
DF5B LD A,$10 Set INK: YELLOW (06).
DF5D RST $10
DF5E LD A,$06
DF60 RST $10
DF61 LD A,$11 Set PAPER: *Active_BorderColour.
DF63 RST $10
DF64 LD A,($5BD0)
DF67 RST $10
DF68 LD C,$1B Set up the screen buffer location 1B/01 using CL_SET.
DF6A LD B,$01
Restore the default ZX Spectrum font.
DF6F LD HL,$3C00 Write 3C00 (CHARSET-0100) to *CHARS.
DF72 LD ($5C36),HL
DF75 LD IX,$F231 IX=TablePlayerAttributes.
DF79 LD A,(IX+$10) A=*IX+10.
DF7C ADD A,$30 A+=30.
DF7E CALL PrintColourCharacter Call PrintColourCharacter.
DF81 LD BC,($5BF2) BC=*PlayerTreasure.
DF85 LD A,C Call AllTreasureCollected if BC is zero.
DF87 CALL Z,AllTreasureCollected
DF8A LD A,($5BF0) Jump to Game_Loop if *GameState is not set to "Demo Mode" (03).
DF8D CP $03
DF8F JP NZ,Game_Loop
Else, this is the demo mode - so check the timer.
DF92 LD A,($5C79) Loop back round to Game_Loop until *FRAMES+01 is equal to 03.
DF95 CP $03
DF97 JP NZ,Game_Loop
DF9A LD A,($F340) Increment *TimerDemoMode by one.
DF9E LD ($F340),A
DFA1 CP $02 Call ED8F if *TimerDemoMode is equal to 02.
DFA6 CALL GetRandomNumber Get a random room number between 02 and 11.
DFA9 AND %00001111
DFAD CALL ChangeRoom Call ChangeRoom.
Reset the *FRAMES counter back to 0000.
DFB0 LD A,$00 Write 00 to:
DFB2 LD ($5C78),A
DFB5 LD ($5C79),A
DFB8 JP Game_Loop Jump to Game_Loop.
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